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(2024) Zakharov S.V. Three Decades on Russia’s Path of the Second Demographic Transition: How Patterns of Fertility are Changing Under an Unstable Demographic Policy. Comparative Population Studies, 49: 25-54. https://doi.org/10.12765/CPoS-2024-02
(2023) Zakharov S. V. The history of fertility in Russia: from generation to generation. Demographic Review, 10(1): 4-43. https://doi.org/10.17323/demreview.v10i1.17259
(2023) Churilova E., Zakharov S. Different experiences of children living in two-parent and single-parent families: Comparing generations born in the 1950s-1980s in Russia and in France. Population and Economics, 7(4): 24-38. https://doi.org/10.3897/popecon.7.e114980
(2023) Blum A., Zakharov S. L’obsession nataliste de Poutine. Démographie russe et guerre en Ukraine. La Vie des idée. Collége de France. 14 févier 2023. https://laviedesidees.fr/L-obsession-nataliste-de-Poutine; https://laviedesidees.fr/IMG/pdf/20230214_russes.pdf
(2022) Zakharov S.V., Churilova E.V. Fertility in Russia: Does Religion and Religiousness Matter? State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide, 40 (4): 77-104. https://doi.org/10.22394/2073-7203-2022-40-4-77-104
(2022) Churilova E.V., Zakharov S.V. Partnership quality, union dissolution intensions and their realization among men and women in Russia. Woman in Russian Society, 2022, No.3: 131-142. (in Russian). https://doi.org/10.21064/WinRS.2022.3.9
(2022) (Editor and principal contributor). Population of Russia 2019. A Twenty Seventh Annual Analytical Report. Ed. by S.V.Zakharov. Moscow: Higher Economic School Publishing house, 2022. (in Russian). http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/knigi/ns_r19/sod_r.html
(2021) Zakharov Sergei (2021). Mourir tôt ou tard? L’Église et l’État en Russie lors de la première pandémie de l’ère démographique postmoderne. In: S.Kuriyama, O. de Leonardis, C.Sonneschein et I.Thuioub (direction). COVID-19 Tour du monde. Paris: Éditions Manucius: 266-267.
(2021) Kazimov R., Zakharov S.V. (2021). Combating Low Life Expectancy and Low Fertility in Tumultuous Political Times: A Comparison of the Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. In: A. Goerres and P. Vanhuysse (eds.). Global Political Demography. The Politics of Population Change. Palgrave Macmillan: 401-427. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-73065-9#toc https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-73065-9_16
(2021) Zakharov S., Kharkova T., Chtcherbakova E. (2021). La situation démographique en Russie et COVID-19. In: A. Dubien (ed.) Russie 2021. Regards de l’Observatoire franco-russe. Centre d’Analyse de la CCI France Russie. Paris-Moscou: L’Inventaire/Nouveaux Angles: 100-116.
(2020) (Editor and principal contributor). Population of Russia 2018. A Twenty Sixth Annual Analytical Report. Ed. by S.V.Zakharov. Moscow: Higher Economic School Publishing house, 2020. (in Russian). http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/knigi/ns_r18/sod_r.html
(2020) Zakharov S.V. 谢尔盖·弗拉基米洛维奇·扎哈洛夫 (Why Russia's policy to stimulate childbearing has limited impact) 俄罗斯鼓励生育政策为何影响有限社(Social Science Front) 会科学战线. 2020. Vol. 304 (10): 211-235. https://eng.oversea.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?dbCode=cjfd&QueryID=13&CurRec=24&filename=SHZX202010024&dbname=CJFDAUTO
(2019) (Editor and principal contributor). Population of Russia 2017. A Twenty Fifth Annual Analytical Report. Ed. by S.V.Zakharov. Moscow: Higher Economic School Publishing house, 2019. (in Russian). http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/knigi/ns_r17/sod_r.html
(2019) Zakharov S.V. Fertility trends in Russia over the past four decades: An analysis based on period and cohort parity progression ratios. Население (Naselenie Review). Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Vol. 37(1): 209-243. (In Russian). http://nasselenie-review.org/en/volume-37,-issue-1-2019
(2019) Churilova E., Zakharov S. Russia’s populace’s notions on reproduction: is there basis for optimism? The Russian Public Opinion Herald Data. Analysis. Discussions. Vol. 3–4: 69-89. (in Russian). https://www.levada.ru//cp/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/2-2019.pdf
(2019) Blum A., Zakharov S. (2019). Russie: une démographie très politique et instable. Les Grands Dossiers de Diplomatie. No. 51 (juin-juillet 2019): 33-35. https://www.areion24.news/produit/les-grands-dossiers-de-diplomatie-n-51/
(2018) (Editor and principal contributor). Population of Russia 2016. A Twenty Fourth Annual Analytical Report. Ed. by S.V.Zakharov. Moscow: Higher Economic School Publishing house, 2018. (in Russian). - 448p. http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/knigi/ns_r16/sod_r.html
(2018) Churilova E., Zakharov S., Puur A., Rahnu L., Sakkeus L. Fertility in Russia and Estonia: Differences among Russians in Russia and in Estonia and Native Estonians. Obcshestvennye nauki i sovremennost’ (Social Sciences and Contemporary World). №4: 89-114. (In Russian) https://ons-journal.ru/s086904990000374-3-1/ ; https://doi.org/10.31857/S086904990000374-3
(2018) Zakharov S. Family Policy. In: Irvin Studin (ed.) Russia: Strategy, Policy, Administration. Chapter 28. L.: Palgrave Macmillan UK: 319-330. https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-56671-3_28
(2017) Zakharov S. V., Mitrofanova E. S. Demographics of Youth in Russia. In: T. Dwyer, Mikhail K. Gorshkov, I. Modi, C. Li, M. S. Mapadimeng (eds.) Handbook of the Sociology of Youth in BRICS Countries. Chapter 7. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2017. P. 123-145.
(2017) (Editor and principal contributor). Population of Russia 2015. A Twenty Third Annual analytical report. Ed. by S.V.Zakharov. Moscow: Higher Economic School Publishing house, 2017. (in Russian). -359p. https://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/knigi/ns_r15/sod_r.html
(2017) Churilova E., Zakharov S., Puur A., Rahnu L. and L.Sakkeus. Childbearing After Repartnering Among Russians, Russians Migrants and Estonians: Prevalence and Determinants. Research Paper. (December 22, 2017). Available at Social Science Research Network (SSRN) E-Library: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3092208 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3092208
(2017) Puur A., Rahnu L., Abuladze L., Sakkeus L., Zakharov S. Childbearing among first and second generations Russians in Estonia against the background of the sending and host countries. Demographic Research, 36, Article 41 (Special Collection on “Childbearing among Descedants of Immigrants in Europe”): 1209-1254. http://www.demographic-research.org/Volumes/Vol36/41/
(2016) Zakharov S. The modest demographic results of pronatalist policy against the background of the long-term evolution of fertility in Russia. Demographic Review. English Selection. 2016: 4-46. https://demreview.hse.ru/2016--5/212808655.html
(2016) Zakharov S. V. La fécondité en Russie en période de politique nataliste. Russie 2016. Regards de l'Observatoire franco-russe. Sous la direction d’Arnaud Dubien. Quatrième Édition du Rapport Annuel. Moscou-Paris: Centre d’Analyse de la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Franco-Russie: 323-328. http://obsfr.ru/fileadmin/reports/2016/Yearbook_2016_FR.pdf
(2016) (Principal contributor). Stuart Basten, Tomas Frejka (Co-ordinating authors). Fertility and Family Policies in Central and Eastern Europe after 1990. Comparative Population Studies, 41 (1): 3-56. http://www.comparativepopulationstudies.de/index.php/CPoS/article/view/212/222
(2016) (Editor and principal contributor). Population of Russia 2014. A Twenty Second Annual analytical report. Ed. by S.V.Zakharov. Moscow: Higher Economic School Publishing house, 2016. (in Russian). -357p. http://demoscope.ru/weekly/knigi/ns_r14/sod_r.html
(2015) (Editor and principal contributor). Population of Russia 2013. A Twenty First Annual analytical report. Ed. by S.V. Zakharov. Moscow: Higher Economic School Publishing house, 2015. (in Russian). -427p. http://demoscope.ru/weekly/knigi/ns_r13/sod_r.htm l
(2015) (Principal contributor). Stuart Basten, Tomas Frejka (Co-ordinating authors) The project ‘Prospects for a fertility increase in the formerly socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe’. Department of Social Policy and Intervention. University of Oxford (UK). Barnet Papers in Social Research. Working Paper 15-01. Oxford, 2015 (February). -74p. http://www.spi.ox.ac.uk/fileadmin/documents/PDF/150306_Barnett_Paper_15-01.pdf
(2014) Frejka Т., Zakharov S. Fertility trends in Russia during the past half century: period and cohort perspectives. Demographic Review. 2014, No.1: 106–143 (In Russian). http://demreview.hse.ru/2014--1/120991254.html
(2014) (Principal contributor). Population of Russia 2012. A Twenties Annual analytical report. Ed. by A.G. Vishnevsky. Moscow: Higher Economic School Publishing house, 2014. (in Russian). -412p. http://demoscope.ru/weekly/knigi/ns_r12/sod_r.html
(2014) Zakharov S. V., Mitrofanova E. S. 俄罗斯青年人口特征 (Demographics of the Youth in Russia). In: C. Li, P. M. Kozyreva. (eds.) 青年与社会变迁:中国与俄罗斯的比较研究 (The youth and social change: a comparative study between China and Russia). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2014. P. 50-67.
(2013) Frejka T., Zakharov S. The Apparent Failure of Russia’s Pronatalist Family Policy. Population and Development Review. Vol. 39(4). 2013: 635-647. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1728-4457.2013.00631.x
(2013) (Principal contributor). Population of Russia 2010-2011. An Eghteenth-Nineteenth Annual analytical report. Ed. by A.G. Vishnevsky. Moscow: Higher Economic School Publishing house, 2013. -530p. (in Russian). http://demoscope.ru/weekly/knigi/ns_r10_11/sod_r.html
(2013) Zakharov S., Churilova E. Single Motherhood in Russia: Statistical and Demographic Analysis of its Prevalens and Family Formation Patterns. Mir Rossii (Universe of Russia), 22(4): 86-117. (In Russian). http://mirros.hse.ru/2013-22-4/96385955.html
(2012) Frejka T., Zakharov S. Comprehensive Analyses of Fertility Trends in the Russian Federation during the Past Half Century. MPIDR Working Paper, WP 2012-027 (September 2012). – 27p. http://www.demogr.mpg.de/papers/working/wp-2012-027.pdf
(2012) Puur A., Rahnu L., Maslauskaite A., Stankuniene V., Zakharov S. Transformation of Partnership Formation in Eastern Europe: The Legacy of the Past Demographic Divide. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 43(3): 389-417. http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE|A294523467&v=2.1&u=lom_umichanna&it=r&inPS=true&prodId=ITOF&userGroupName=lom_umichanna&p=ITOF&digest=1c908c4190377f8c4c8caa1659c44fe0&rssr=rss
(2011) S.Sievert, S.Zakharov, R. Klingholz. The Waning World Power. The demographic future of Russia and other Soviet successor states. Berlin: Berlin Institute for Population and Development, 2011. – 148p (Separate editions in English, in Russian and in German). http://www.berlin-institut.org/publications/studies/the-waning-world-power.html
(2010) Zakharov S.V., Prokofieva L.M. , Sinyavskaya O.V. (eds.) Evolution of family in Europe: East-West. Survey ‘Parents and Children, Men and Women in Family and Society’. Issue 3. Moscow: Independent Institute for Social Policy – 391p. (In Russian). https://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/knigi/socpol/pdf/RiDMiG-3_2010.pdf
(2010) Value-Normative Schedule of Human Life: Views of People from Different Countries about when a girl becomes an adult. The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes Journal. No. 4 (98). July-August 2010: 166-193. (In Russian). http://wciom.ru/fileadmin/Monitoring/98_1/2010_4%2898%29_8_Zaharov.pdf
(2009) Stankuniene V., Maslauskaite A., Baublyte M., Zakharov S., Régnier-Loilier A. La transition vers de nouvelles formes d’union en France, en Lituanie et en Russie. Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest, 40 (3-4): 163-208. (Numéro spécial: ‘La famille d’Est en Ouest: un demi-siècle de transformations en Europe’. Coordonnateurs: Alain Blum, Cécile Lefèvre, Pascal Sebille) http://www.necplus.eu/action/displayIssue?jid=REC&volumeId=40&seriesId=0&issueId=3-4
(2009) Blum A., Sebille P., Zakharov S. A divergent transition to adulthood in France and Russia: a cohort approach. Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest, 40 (3-4): 123-152. https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00793899
(2009) Zakharov S.V., Surkov S.V. Migration experience and fertility in postwar generations in Russia. In: S.V.Zakharov, T.M.Maleva, O.V.Sinyavskaya (eds.) Parents and Children, Men and Women in Family and Society. Issue 2. Moscow: Independent Institute for Social Policy: pp. 45-118. (In Russian). https://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/knigi/socpol/pdf/RiDMiG-2_2009.pdf
(2009) Growth of Fertility: The Start of a Road with Distant Horizons. In: Anatoly G.Vishnevsky, Sergei N. Bobylev (eds.) Russia Facing Demographic Challenges. National Human Development Report. Russian Federation 2008. Moscow: UNDP, 2009: 26-50. https://hdr.undp.org/system/files/documents/nhdrrussia2008eng.pdf
(2008) Russian Federation: From the first to second demographic transition. Demographic Research, 19: 907-972. (Special Collection 7: Childbearing Trends and Policies in Europe. Ed. by T.Frejka, T.Sobotka, J.M.Hoem, L.Toulemon). https://doi.org/10.4054/DemRes.2008.19.24
(2008) Russia’s Demographic Challenges and Policy Response. Discussion Workshop: Russia’s Political Economy. The National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR). April 24, 2008, Washington, D.C.:11-18. http://www.nbr.org/Downloads/pdfs/PSA/Russia_Conf08_Report.pdf
(2007) (Principal contributor). T.M.Maleva, O.V.Sinyavskaya (eds.) Parents and Children, Men and Women in Family and Society. Issue 1. Moscow: Independent Institute for Social Policy: 170; 267-312; 421-476. (In Russian). https://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/knigi/socpol/pdf/PiDMiG-1_2007.pdf
(2007) Zakharov S.V. New Tendencies in Family Formation in Russia. Mir Rossii (Universe of Russia). 26(4): 73-112. (In Russian). http://mirros.hse.ru/data/2010/12/31/1208181130/004_zaharov_2007_4.pdf
2006. Demographic Analysis of the Effect of Family Policy Measures in Russia in the 1980s. SPERO: Socialnaya politika: ekspertiza, rekomendatcii, obzory. No. 4-5: 33-69. (In Russian). https://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/knigi/SPERO/pdf/5/spero5_33-69.pdf
(2006) Zakharov S.V. Age of Marriage in Russia. Otechestvennye Zapiski, 4(31): 271-300. (In Russian). https://publications.hse.ru/mirror/pubs/share/folder/ngm4ryp9sy/direct/74982712.pdf
(2006) Ivanov S., Vishnevsky A., Zakharov S. Population Policy in Russia. In: G. Caselli, J.Vallin, G.Wunsh (eds.) Demography: Analysis and Synthesis. Vol.4. New York and London: Academic Press, 2006: 407-433.
(2006). (Principal contributor). Demographic Modernization in Russia, 1900-2000. Collective monograph. Ed. by A.G.Vishnevsky. Moscow: “Novoe Izdatelstvo” Publishing House, 2006. -608p. (In Russian). http://demoscope.ru/weekly/knigi/modern/modernizacija.html
(2006) (Principal contributor). Population of Russia 2003-2004. An Eleventh-Twelfth Annual analytical report. Ed. by A.G.Vishnevsky. Moscow: Nauka, 2008. –356p. (in Russian). http://demoscope.ru/weekly/knigi/ns_r03_04/sod_r.html
(2005) Zakharov S.V. Perspectives of Fertility in Russia: The Second Demographic Transition. Otechestvennye Zapiski, 3 (24): 124-140. (In Russian). h https://magazines.gorky.media/oz/2005/3/perspektivy-rozhdaemosti-v-rossii-vtoroj-demograficheskij-perehod.html https://magazines.gorky.media/oz/2005/3/perspektivy-rozhdaemosti-v-rossii-vtoroj-demograficheskij-perehod.html
(2003) Zakharov S.V. Demographic Transition and generations replacement in Russia. Voprosy Statistiki. No.11: 3-12. (in Russian). http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/2019/0839/Zakharov.pdf
(2002) Zakharov S.V. Demographic Potential of Economic Activity. In: T.M.Maleva (Ed.), Employment Outlook of Russia. Vol.1 (1991-2000). Moscow: 13-24. (in Russian).
(2000) Zakharov S. Chapter I. Mortality in Russia in Moscow, and in Udmurt Republic: General tendencies and peculiarities. In: V.Shkolnikov and V.Chervyakov (eds.) Policies for the Control of the Transition’s Mortality Crisis in Russia. UNDP/Russia and Transnational Family Research Institute /Moscow: 12-43.
(2000) Zakharov S.V. Fertility Trends in Russia and the European Newly Independent States: Crisis or Turning Point? Population Bulletin of the United Nations. Below Replacement Fertility. Special Issue Nos. 40/41. 1999. United Nations. N.Y.(ST/ESA/Ser.N/40-41): 292-317. https://www.academia.edu/9420685/Fertility_trends_in_Russia_and_the_European_newly_independent_states_crises_or_turning_point
(1999) Zakharov S.V. Fertility, Nuptiality and Family Planning in Russia: problems and perspectives. In: G.Demko, G. Ioffe Zh. Zayonchkovskaya (Eds.) Population Under Duress: The Geodemography of Post-Soviet Russia. Boulder: Westview Press: 41-58. https://www.academia.edu/9421038/Fertility_Nuptiality_and_Family_Planning_in_Russia_Problems_and_Prospects
(1999). Zakhartov S.V. Cohort Analysis of Russian Mortality: Long-term and Short-term Effects of Inequality of Generations in mortality. Studies on Russian Economic Development,10(2): 199-211. http://www.demoscope.ru/center/zacharov/zachar_eng.html#1
(1998) Chapter III. Population. In: A.P.Gorkin, A.D.Zaijtcev et al. (eds.). Russia: An Encyclopedic Reference Book. Moscow: Russian Encyclopedia – Drofa: 57-73. (In Russian).
(1998) (Contributor). M.E.Dmitriev and D.Ya. Travin (eds.). Pension Reform in Russia: Causes, content and perspectives. S.-Pb.: Norma. - 254p. (In Russian).
(1997) Avdeev A., Blum A., Zakharov S., Andreev E. Réaction d'une population hétérogéne à une perturbation. Un modèle d'interprétation des évolutions de mortalité en Russie. Population. No. 1: 7-44. http://www.persee.fr/doc/pop_0032-4663_1997_num_52_1_6544 http://www.persee.fr/doc/pop_0032-4663_1998_hos_10_2_6830?pageId=T1_299
(1997) Blum A., Zakharov S. Demographic History of the USSR and Russia from the Cohort Perspective. Naselenie i Obshestvo (Population et Société, CDHE, Moscow). No.17 (February 1997). Reprinted in Mir Rossii (Universe of Russia), 1997, Vol.4: 3-11, and in Energia (Energy), 1998, Vol.2: 42-46. http://www.demoscope.ru/acrobat/ps17.pdf
(1997) D.A. Leon, L. Chenet, V. Shkolnikov, J. Shapiro, G. Rakhmanova, M. McKee, S. Vassin, Zakharov S. Huge variation in Russian Mortality rates 1984-1994. Artefact, alcohol or what? The Lancet. Vol.350, No.9075: 383-388. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(97)03360-6
(1997) Rakhmanova G., Zakharov S.V. Demographic context of retirement systems: history and present. In: T. Maleva (ed.) Contemporary problems of Pension System: observations of economists and demographers. Moscow: Cornegie Endowment for International Peace. Working Papers, Vol. 16: 32-59.
(1997) Zakharov S., Ivanova E. Fertility and Nuptiality in Russia. Sociologicheskie Issledovaniya (Sociological Studies). No.7: 70-80. http://ecsocman.hse.ru/socis/msg/16429108.html
(1997) Katus K., Zakharov S. Demographic Adaptation to Socioeconomic Changes in the USSR Succesor States. Paper presented at the IUSSP XXIIIrd General Population Conference, Beijing, October 11-17, 1997. - 24p.
(1997) Zakharov S.V. Trends in the Demographic Situation. In: Yu. Fedorov (ed.), Human Development Report 1997. Russian Federation. Moscow: UNDP - Human Rights Publishers: 29-31.
(1996) Avdeev A., Blum A., Zakharov S. La mortalité en Russie a-t-elle vraiment augmenté brutalement entre 1991 et 1995 ? Dossiers et Recherches, No. 51 (Mars 1996). Paris: INED.
(1996) Zakharov S.V., Ivanova E.I. Regional Fertility Differentiation in Russia: 1959-1994. Studies on Russian Economic Development. Vol.7. No.4: 354-365. https://www.academia.edu/9680762/Regional_Fertility_Differentiation_in_Russia_1959-1994
(1996) Zakharov S.V., Ivanova E.I. Fertility Decline and Recent Changes in Russia: On the Threshold of the Second Demographic Transition. In Julie DaVanzo (ed.) Russia's Demographic "Crisis". RAND, Santa Monica, CA, USA: 36-82. http://www.rand.org/pubs/conf_proceedings/CF124/CF124.chap2.html
(1996) Zakharov S. The Second World War as a turning point of Infant mortality decline in Russia. In G.Masuy-Stroobant, C.Gourbin et P.Buekens (eds.) Santé et Mortalité des Enfants en Europe: Inégalités sociales d'hier et d'aujourd'hui. Chaire Quetelet 1994. Institut de Démographie, Université Catholique de Louvain. Louvain-la Neuve, Académia-Bruylant/L'Harmattan: 311-333. https://www.academia.edu/9306169/The_Second_World_War_as_a_turning_point_of_infant_mortality_decline_in_Russia
(1995) Vichnevski A., Zakharov S. Similitudes et divergences des transitions de fécondité en Europe de l'Est et de l'Ouest depuis 1880. In D. Tabutin, T. Eggerickx et C.Gourbin (eds) Transitions démographiques et sociétés. Chaire Quetelet 1992. Institut de Démographie, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la Neuve, Académia/L'Harmattan : 477-493. https://www.academia.edu/9680496/The_Relationship_between_National_and_Regional_Perspectives_in_the_Study_of_the_CIS
(1994) Zakharov S. Changes in Spatial Variation of Demographic Indicators in Russia. In W. Lutz, S. Scherbov and A. Volkov (eds.) Demographic Trends and Patterns in the Soviet Union Before 1991. London and N.Y.: Routeedge, IIASA: 113-130. https://www.academia.edu/9285690/Changes_in_Spatial_Variation_of_Demographic_Indicators_in_Russia
(1994). Adametz S., Blum A., Zakharov S. Disparités et variabilités des catastrophes démographiques en URSS. Dossiers et Recherches, No. 42 (Janvier 1994). Paris: INED.
(1994) Adametz S., Blum A., Zakharov S. Geographical and cohort disparities in Soviet demographic catastrophes. Dossiers et Recherches, No. 42 (Janvier 1994). English revised version prepared for the conference on Soviet Population in the 1920s and 1930s (Toronto, Canada, 27-29 January 1995). Paris: INED. https://www.academia.edu/9532706/Geographical_and_cohort_disparities_in_Soviet_demographic_catastrophes
(1994) Actualité. La mortalié en Russie. Population et Sociétés. No.295 (Novembre 1994), p3. (In collab. with A.Blum, A.Avdeev). https://www.ined.fr/fichier/s_rubrique/18962/pop_et_soc_francais_295.fr.pdf
(1994) Zakharov S.V. Population of the Russian Federation. In: G.G. Melikian et al (eds.) Population: An Encyclopedic Dictionary. Moscow: Russian Encyclopedia: 397-417. (In Russian).
(1994) Demography. Population of Russia. In: F.Kaplun et al (eds.) New Russia 1994: Analytical and Statistical Anthology. Moscow: 'All Moscow' and International Academy of Informatization: 109-136. (In Russian).
(1994) Blum A., Zakharov S.V. The Relationship between National and Regional Perspectives in the Study of the CIS. Studies on Russian Economic Development, 5 (6): 509-521.
(1993) Blum A., Zakharov S.V. Espaces régionaux et espaces nationaux dans l'ex-U.R.S.S. Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest. No. 1 (mars): 81-99. https://www.persee.fr/doc/receo_0338-0599_1993_num_24_1_2600
(1993) Zakharov S. L'état sanitaire des republiques de l'ex-URSS. In M.Ferro, M.-H.Mandrillon (eds.), L'Etat de toutes les Russies: Les Etats et les Nations de l'ex-URSS. La Découverte/IMSECO. Paris: 373-375.
(1993) (Ed. and contributor). Population of Russia 1993. An Annual analytical report. Moscow: CDHE-Eurasia, 1993. -87p. (in Russian).
(1992) La Transition démographique en Russie et l'evolution des disparités demographiques régionales. In: A.Blum, N.Bonneuil et D.Blanchet (eds.), Modèles de la démographique historique. Paris: INED: 353-370. https://www.academia.edu/9280579/La_Transition_d%C3%A9mographique_en_Russie_et_levolution_des_disparit%C3%A9s_demographiques_r%C3%A9gionales
(1992). Blum A., Zakharov S., Ely M. Démographie soviétique 1920-1950, une redécouverte. Annales de Demographie Historique. Paris: E.H.E.S.S.: 7-22. https://www.persee.fr/doc/adh_0066-2062_1992_num_1992_1_1814
(1991) Zakharov S.V. Demographic Transition in Russia and the Evolution of Regional Demographic Variation. In: A.G.Vishnevsky (ed.), Demography and Sociology. Family and Family Policy. Moscow: Institute for Socioeconomic Studies of Population: 87-102. (In Russian).
(1990) Vishnevsky A.G., Zakharov S.V. Demographic Worries of Russia. Vestnik AN SSSR (Herald of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR). No. 8: 16-33. (In Russian).
(1987) Zakharov S. (Ed. and contributor). Porträts russischer und sowjetischer Soziologen. Teil 1-2. Berlin: Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR. Institut für Soziologie und Soziapolitik. Separate editions in German, Russian, and English.