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KEIM Wiebke

Chargée de Recherche CNRS

Photo Keim


Université de Strasbourg
MISHA Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l'Homme - Alsace
5 allée du Général Rouvillois
CS 50008
67083 Strasbourg Cedex


Axes de recherche

Mots-clés : Circulation des savoirs, histoire de la sociologie, sociologie de la science et des savoirs, épistémologie des sciences sociales, fascismes et post-fascismes, réseaux d'(extrêmes) droites

Choix de publications

Retrouver mes publications sur HAL: https://shs.hal.science/search/index?q=wiebke+keim


Keim, Wiebke; Rodríguez Medina, Leandro ; avec Arvanitis, Rigas; Bacolla, Natacha; Basu, Chandni; Klein, Stefan; Nieto Olarte, Mauricio; Riedel, Barbara; Ruvituso, Clara; Saalmann, Gernot; Schlechtriemen, Tobias; Vessuri, Hebe (éd.) (à paraître). Routledge Handbook of academic knowledge circulation. London: Routledge

Sitas, Ari; Damodaran, Sumangala; Pande, Amrita; Keim, Wiebke; Trimikliniotis, Nicos (éd.) (2022): Scripting defiance. Four sociological vignettes. Delhi: Tulika Books

Kostka, Alexandre; Keim, Wiebke (éd.) (2020): Representing European Values. Bad Saulgau: triglyph

Keim, Wiebke (2019) : Les savoirs des sciences sociales à l’international. Séquences empiriques, débats théoriques, enjeux épistémologiques. Mémoire pour Habilitation à diriger des recherches, soutenu le 15.11.2019 à l'Université Paris-Descartes. En accès libre: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-02481741 (dernier accès le 12.11.21)

Keim, Wiebke (2017): Universally comprehensible, arrogantly local. South African labour studies from the apartheid era into the new millennium. Paris: Editions des Archives Contemporaines. En accès libre : https://www.sahistory.org.za/archive/universally-comprehensible-arrogantly-local-wiebke-keim (dernier accès 1.12.2022)

Keim, Wiebke; Çelik, Ercüment; Ersche, Christian; Wöhrer, Veronika (éd.) (2014): Global knowledge in the social sciences. Made in circulation. Farnham: Ashgate 2014

Sitas, Ari; Damodaran, Sumangala; Keim, Wiebke; Trimikliniotis, Nicos; Garba, Faisal (2014): Gauging and engaging deviance, 1600-2000. Delhi: Tulika Books

Keim, Wiebke (2008): Vermessene Disziplin. Zum konterhegemonialen Potential afrikanischer und lateinamerikanischer Soziologien. Bielefeld: transcript. (Global studies).


Codirection de numéros de revue

Keim, Wiebke; Wöhrer, Veronika; Çelik, Ercüment; Ersche, Christian (éditeurs invités) (2013): Blätter des iz3w Dossier spécial "Wissenschaft Nord-Süd", 2/2013

Ersche, Christian; Çelik, Ercüment; Keim, Wiebke; Wöhrer, Veronika (éd) (2013): Transcience. A journal of global studies. Special Issue: Circulating Knowledge. Empirical Examples from the Social Sciences, Vol 4/2. En accès libre: https://www2.hu-berlin.de/transcience/page3_volume4_issue2.htm (dernier accès 15.3.2022).


Articles dans revues scientifiques à comité de lecture

Keim, Wiebke (2022): Ibn Khaldoun dans les premières sociologies allemandes. Un cas historique de réception Sud-Nord. In: Revue d’histoire des sciences humaines 41: 31-61. doi.org/10.4000/rhsh.7412 (libre accès)

Version anglaise: Keim, Wiebke (2022): Ibn Khaldun in early German-language sociological theory. A historical case of South-North reception. In: Revue d’histoire des sciences humaines 41: no pages. doi.org/10.4000/rhsh.7467 (libre accès)

Keim, W. (2022) Franz Oppenheimer (1926), Die soziologische Staatsidee. (Die Eroberung) [The Sociological Idea of the State (The Conquest)]. In: Journal of Historical Sociology, 35(3) Special Issue: Ibn Khaldun in the Formative Period of Sociology (guest editor: Syed Farid Alatas): 341–348. doi.org/10.1111/johs.12384 (hal-03908187)

Keim, Wiebke (2021): Frenchman, Jew, positivist – reading the Rules and mapping Émile Durkheim in Germany. In: Durkheimian Studies 25 (1), p. 154-186. doi.org/10.3167/ds.2021.250107 (halshs-03512791)

Keim, Wiebke (2021): Post-fascists. Putting the so-called "populist right" into historical perspective. In: Journal of Historical Sociology 34 (4), p. 604-523. DOI: 10.1002/johs.12352. (halshs-03351206)

Keim, Wiebke (2020) Because everything was happening despite institutions, despite dominant ideologies, despite everything. Ari Sitas, labour studies and general sociology. In: Journal of Contemporary African Studies, p. 1-13. DOI: 10.1080/02589001.2020.1805417 (halshs-03094054)

Keim, Wiebke (2017) Franzose, Jude und Positivist. Online-Portal "Soziopolis. Gesellschaft beobachten" (ISSN 2509-5196) à l’occasion de l‘anniversaire "Durkheim lesen! Facetten eines Klassikers" par Matthias Koenig, Karin Gottschall, Hans-Peter Müller, Heonik Kwon, Gesa Lindemann, Andreas Pettenkofer, Wiebke Keim, Rudolf Stichweh, Martin Zillinger. Libre accès : https://soziopolis.de/erinnern/jubilaeen/artikel/durkheim-lesen/#_ftn7 (dernier accès 2.5.2018).

Keim (2017) Islamization of knowledge – symptom of the failed internationalization of the social sciences? In: Method(e)s. African Review of Social Sciences Methodology 2 (1-2), p. 127-154, DOI: 10.1080/23754745.2017.1354554 (hal-03469777)

Keim (2016): What are the criteria for truth in globalized sociology? A critical appraisal of Go’s southern standpoint approach. In: Sociologica. Italian Journal of Sociology on line, 2/2016, p. 1-9, Accès libre : https://www.rivisteweb.it/doi/10.2383/85282 (dernier accès 10.2.2023)

Keim, Wiebke (2016): La circulation internationale des savoirs en sciences sociales. Facteurs pertinents d’acceptation et de rejet des textes voyageurs. In: Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances 2016/1, p. 1-39 (Accès libre : https://journals.openedition.org/rac/2855, dernier accès 20.12.2022)

Version anglaise: The international circulation of social science knowledge. Relevant factors for acceptance and rejection of travelling texts. In: Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances 2016/1, p. a-aj (Accès libre : https://journals.openedition.org/rac/2877, dernier accès 20.12.2022)

Keim, Wiebke (2015): On subjects, informants, audiences, and encounters. Contributions to reflexivity from engaged and detached forms of social research. In: Antropológicas13, p. 23-26 (Accès libre: https://www2.hu-berlin.de/transcience/Vol4_Issue2_2013_1_2.pdf, dernier accès 20.12.2022)

Ersche, Christian; Çelik, Ercüment; Keim, Wiebke; Wöhrer, Veronika (2013): Editorial. In: Transcience. A journal of global studies. Dossier spécial: Circulating Knowledge. Empirical Examples from the Social Sciences Vol 4/2 (http://www.transcience-journal.org/, July 2014), p. 1-2 (Accès libre: https://www2.hu-berlin.de/transcience/Vol4_Issue2_2013_1_2.pdf, dernier accès 20.12.2022)

Keim, Wiebke (2011): Counter hegemonic currents and internationalization of sociology. Theoretical reflections and one empirical example. In: International Sociology 26 (1), p. 123-145 (halshs-01077325)

Keim, Wiebke (2010): Pour un modèle centre-périphérie dans les sciences sociales : aspects problématiques des relations internationales en sciences sociales. In: Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances 4 (3), p. 570-598 (Accès libre : https://journals.openedition.org/rac/16002, dernier accès 20.12.2022)

Keim, Wiebke (2010): Analyse des invitations de chercheurs étrangers par l’EHESS. Compétences reconnues et clivages Nord-Sud. In: Cahiers de la Recherche sur l'Education et les Savoirs (9), p. 33-52 (Accès libre: https://journals.openedition.org/cres/346?lang=en, dernier accès 10.2.2023)

Budowski, Monica; Tillmann, Robin; Keim, Wiebke; Amacker, Michèle (2010): Conceptualizing 'precarious prosperity': Empirical and theoretical elements for debate. In: International Journal of Comparative Sociology 51 (4), p. 268-288 (halshs-01077347)

Keim, Wiebke; Busingye, Janice Desire (2009): The political battlefield. Negotiating space for the protection of traditional knowledge in capitalism. In: International Social Science Journal (Special Issue on "Global Knowledge") 195, p. 37-54 (halshs-01076968)

Keim, Wiebke (2008): Social sciences internationally – the problem of marginalisation and its consequences for the discipline of sociology. In: African Sociological Review 12 (2), p. 22-48 (Accès libre: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/asr/issue/view/6798, dernier accès 20.12.2022)

Keim, Wiebke (2008): Distorted universality – internationalization and its implications for the epistemological foundations of the discipline. In: Canadian Journal of Sociology 33 (3), p. 555-574. doi.org/10.29173/cjs4154. (Accès libre : https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/cjs/index.php/CJS/article/view/4154, dernier accès 20.12.2022)



Keim, Wiebke (2022): Compte-rendu du livre de Guth, Suzie; Pfefferkorn, Roland (éd) (2019), Strasbourg, creuset des sociologies allemandes et françaises. Max Weber, Georg Simmel, Maurice Halbwachs, Georges Gurvitch… Paris: L'Harmattan, 270 S. ISBN: 978-2-343-17198-2. In: Zyklos 6. Jahrbuch für Theorie und Geschichte der Soziologie: 281-285 (halshs-03908585)

Keim, Wiebke (2020): The privilege to select in an unequal research system. Compte-rendu du livre de Nora Schmidt (2020) The privilege to select. Global research system, European academic library collections, and decolonisation. Lund Studies in Arts and Cultural Sciences 26, Lund University, Lund. In: Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies 1/2, 2020, p. 53-58. DOI10.7146/njlis.v1i2.122916 (Accès libre: https://tidsskrift.dk/njlis/article/view/122916/170006, dernier accès 20.12.2022)

Keim, Wiebke (2020): Die netten Nationalisten von nebenan. Compte-rendu du livre de Violaine Girard Le vote FN au village. Trajectoires de ménages populaires du périurbain. Editions du Croquant, 2017, 314 p., ISBN : 978-2-36512-110-1. In: Soziopolis. Gesellschaft beobachten, Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung.(Libre accès: https://www.soziopolis.de/die-netten-nationalisten-von-nebenan.html, dernier accès 20.12.2022)

Keim, Wiebke (2010): Compte-rendu du livre de Raewyn Connell: Southern theory. The global dynamics of knowledge in social science. (Polity Press, Unwin, 2007). In: Transcience. A journal of global studies 1 (1), p. 106-108 (Accès libre: https://www2.hu-berlin.de/transcience/Vol1_Issue1_2010_106_114_bookreviews.pdf, dernier accès 20.12.2022)

Keim, Wiebke (2006): Compte-rendu du livre d’Ari Sitas, Voices that reason – theoretical parables. Pretoria: University of South Africa Press 2004. In: Sociologus. Zeitschrift für empirische Ethnosoziologie und Ethnopsychologie (2), p. 268-270 (halshs-01076829)


Articles dans revues sans comité de lecture

Keim, Wiebke (2013): Wissenschaft im Weltmaßstab – eine Orientierungshilfe. In: Blätter des iz3w Dossier spécial "Wissenschaft Nord-Süd", Numéro 2/2013, p. 23-28 (halshs-01077397)

Costa, Sérgio; Keim, Wiebke (2012): Wie verlernt man Herrschaft? Antwort auf die Frage: Brauchen wir die Soziologie noch? In: Neues Deutschland, 19.12.2012, p. 14. (http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/801668.wie-verlernt-man-herrschaft.html, 20.10.2012)

Keim, Wiebke (2010): Perspektivenwechsel. Konterhegemonialität in den Sozialwissenschaften. In: Bildpunkt. Zeitschrift der IG BILDENDE KUNST, p. 26-27

Keim, Wiebke; Keim, Eris J. (2010): La crisi dell'università tedesca. In: Menodizero – Rivista dell Università in Movimento 1 (2)

Keim, Wiebke (2007): Committing critically engaged social science in Germany – an act of terrorism? IOLS-Research Commentary

Keim, Wiebke (2007): Shedding light on a dark chapter of the discipline: elements on the development of German sociology in the years 1933-45. In: Annual Volume in History of Sociology (8), p. 56-73


Chapitres d’ouvrages

Keim, Wiebke; Rodríguez Medina, Leandro ; Arvanitis, Rigas; Bacolla, Natacha; Basu, Chandni; Klein, Stefan; Nieto Olarte, Mauricio; Riedel, Barbara; Ruvituso, Clara; Saalmann, Gernot; Schlechtriemen, Tobias; Vessuri, Hebe (à paraître): Towards an editorial introduction. In: Keim, Wiebke; Rodríguez Medina, Leandro et al., (éd.) Routledge Handbook of academic knowledge circulation. London: Routledge

Keim, Wiebke; Sitas, Ari (à paraître): A state-led strategy of decentralisation. The BRICS experience. In: Rodríguez Medina, Leandro; Harding, Sandra (éd.) Decentralizing knowledges: essays on distributed agencies, Durham: Duke University Press

Keim, Wiebke; Rodríguez Medina, Leandro (à paraître): Decentralisation and counter-hegemonic currents. Contrasting two complementary approaches towards non-hegemonic sociology. In: Dufoix, Stéphane; Macé, Eric (éd.) Toward a non-hegemonic world sociology? Lanham Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield

Keim, Wiebke; Lapique, Claire (à paraître): Negotiating academic knowledge. Alternative academic institutions. In: Collyer, Fran (éd.) The research handbook for the sociology of knowledge. Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar Publishing

Keim, Wiebke (2022): Locating the history of sociology: Inequality, exclusion and diversity. In: McCallum, David (éd.) The Palgrave handbook of the history of human sciences. Singapore: Springer Palgrave Macmillan, p. 865-892 (hal-03626907)

Keim, Wiebke (2022) From fascism to post-fascism. In: Sitas, Ari; Damodaran, Sumangala; Pande, Amrita; Keim, Wiebke; Trimikliniotis, Nicos (éd.), Scripting defiance. Four sociological vignettes. Delhi: Tulika Books, p. 339-430. (halshs-03908706)

Keim, Wiebke (2022): Deep roots. The post-fascist legacies of the current Western European far-right. In: Sitas, Ari; Damodaran, Sumangala; Pande, Amrita; Keim, Wiebke; Trimikliniotis, Nicos (éd.), Scripting defiance. Four sociological vignettes. Delhi: Tulika Books, p. 431-478 (halshs-03908709)

Keim, Wiebke (2021) The rise and strength of authoritarian restoration – constructing a comparative logic for research. In: Giraud, Olivier; Lallement, Michel (éd.), Decentring comparative analysis in a globalizing world, Leiden/Boston: Brill, p. 260-305 (halshs-03512870)

Keim, Wiebke (2020) Parler des phénomènes "populistes" en France et en Allemagne. Perspectives en sciences sociales. In: Dembinski, Paul H.; Feix, Marc; Thiel, Marie-Jo (éd.) Peuple et populisme, identité et nation. Quelle contribution à la paix ? Quelles perspectives européennes ? Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, Collection - Chemins d'éthique, p. 131-146. (halshs-03094095)

Keim, Wiebke; Trimikliniotis, Nicos (2017): Pitfalls in comparatively analysing reconciliation: a critical epistemological contribution and a research agenda. In: Giri, Ananta Kumar (éd.): Cultivating pathways of creative research. New horizons of transformative practice and collaborative imagination Vol. II. New Delhi: Primus Books, p. 51-74

Keim, Wiebke (2016): Islamization of knowledge – symptom of the failed internationalization of the social sciences? In: Zotti, Stefan (éd.) International Lectures, Innsbruck/Wien/Bozen: Studienverlag, p. 43-48

Sitas, Ari; Damodaran, Sumangala; Keim, Wiebke; Trimikliniotis, Nicos (2016): Deviance. In: Wallerstein, Immanuel (ed.): The world is out of joint: world-historical interpretations of continuing polarizations. Boulder/London: Paradigm, p. 147-161 (halshs-03908726)

Sitas, Ari; Keim, Wiebke; Trimikliniotis, Nicos; Damodaran, Sumangala; Garba, Faisal (2014): Conclusion: Centuries of deviance. In: Sitas, Ari et al. (2014): Gauging and engaging deviance. 1600-2000s. Delhi: Tulika Books, p. 223-230 (hal-03471686)

Sitas, Ari; Trimikliniotis, Nicos; Damodaran, Sumangala; Keim, Wiebke; Garba, Faisal (2014): Deviance, its alterities and its contemporary forms. In: Sitas, Ari et al. (2014): Gauging and engaging deviance. 1600-2000s. Delhi: Tulika Books, p. 189-222 (hal-03471685)

Keim, Wiebke (2014): Colonialism, National-Socialism and the Holocaust. On modern ways of dealing with deviance“. In: Sitas, Ari et al. (2014): Gauging and engaging deviance. 1600-2000s. Delhi: Tulika Books, p. 109-188 (halshs-01091133)

Çelik, Ercüment; Ersche, Christian: Keim, Wiebke; Wöhrer, Veronika (2014): Introduction. In: Keim, Wiebke et al. (éd.): Global knowledge in the social sciences. Made in circulation. Farnham: Ashgate, p. 1-19 (halshs-03908754)

Wöhrer, Veronika; Keim, Wiebke; Ersche, Christian; Çelik, Ercüment (2014): Conclusion: next steps towards global knowledge production in the social sciences. In: Keim, Wiebke et al. (éd.): Global knowledge in the social sciences. Made in circulation. Farnham: Ashgate, p. 251-257 (halshs-03908747)

Keim, Wiebke (2014): Conceptualizing circulation of knowledge in the social sciences. In: Keim, Wiebke et al. (éd.): Global knowledge in the social sciences. Made in circulation. Farnham: Ashgate, p. 87-113 (halshs-01077347)

Keim, Wiebke (2013): Lessons learned from German sociology, 1933–45: contexts and content. In: Danell, Rickard; Larsson, Anna; Wisselgren, Per (éd.): Social science in context. Historical, sociological, and global perspectives, Lund: Nordic Academic Press, p. 95-104 (halshs-01077333)

Keim, Wiebke (2013): Émile Durkheims Programm einer wissenschaftlichen Soziologie in Deutschland. In: Bogusz, Tanja; Delitz, Heike (éd.): Émile Durkheim: Soziologie – Ethnologie – Philosophie. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Edition, Reihe "Theorie und Gesellschaft", p. 47-72 (halshs-01077328)

Keim, Wiebke; Amacker, Michèle; Budowski, Monica; Tillmann, Robin (2010): Conceptualizing Precarious Prosperity for Comparative Research. In: Suter, Christian (éd.): Inequality beyond globalization. Economic changes, social transformations, and the dynamics of inequality. Zürich: Lit Verlag (World Society Studies, 3), p. 201-222 (halshs-01077298)

Keim, Wiebke (2010): The internationalisation of social science: distortions, dominations and prospects. In: International Social Science Council (éd.): World Social Science Report 2010. Paris: Unesco Publishing, p. 169-171 (Accès libre: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000188333, dernier accès 10.2.2023)

Keim, Wiebke (2007): Jenseits von Afrika – Auseinandersetzungen um den Hegemonialanspruch der 'Internationalen Soziologie'. In: Ammon, Sabine et al (éd.): Wissen in Bewegung. Vielfalt und Hegemonie in der Wissensgesellschaft. Weilerswist: Velbrück Wiss., p. 121-139 (halshs-01076836)


Cours "Sciences sociales de l’international", co-enseigné avec Magdaléna Hadjiisky, dans le cadre du master Sciences Sociales du Politique à l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Strasbourg

Cours d’ouverture en langue anglaise "Fascisms. European history, current challenges", 4ème année de l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Strasbourg