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Professeure à l'ENGEES





Consultez mon CV ICI

Axe de Recherche

Axe 2


Economie de l’environnement – Economie expérimentale – Economie comportementale

Contribution volontaire à un bien public, Comportement des consommateurs, Politique de régulation, Evaluation contingente, Evaluation des services écosystémiques, Risque Agro-climatique

Choix de publications (2020-2023)

Rozan A., Spaeter S., 2023, « Quel équilibre entre protection ex ante et compensations ex post dans la réforme de l’assurance agro-climatique ? », Revue économique, sous presse.

Limbach K., Rozan A., 2023, “Coordination in Collective Agri-environmental Schemes: the case of collective conditionality in subsidy payments”, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 50(5), 1715-1753. (I.F.4.0)

Limbach K., Rozan A., Le Coent P., Preget R., Thoyer S., 2023, “Collective conditionality in decontextualized lab and framed field experiments: on the incentive mechanisms of agri-environmental contracts”, RAFEs, 104, 311-340.

Kletty F., Rozan A., Habold C., 2023, “Agroforestry and biodiversity in temperate silvoarable systems: a systematic review”, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 351, 108480 (IF: 6.57).

Jacek G., Rozan A., Combroux I., 2022,"Are Mechanical and Biological Techniques efficient in restoring soil and associated biodiversity in a Brownfield site ? ", Land, 11(12), 2133. (IF 3.905)      

Tisserand J.C., Hopfensitz A., Blondel S., Loheac Y., Mantilla C., Rosaz J., Rozan A., Willinger M., Sutan A., (2022), “Management of Common Pool Resources in a nation-wide experiment”, Ecological Economic, 201,  (IF 6.54).

Jacek G., Desrousseaux M., Rozan A., Combroux I., (2022), "Brownfields redevelopment over the years: do regulations and policies weigh on associated scientific literature?", Environmental Reviews, 30(1), 50-60. (IF: 4.744).

Dumax N., Rozan A., (2021), “Valuation of the environmental benefits induced by a constructed wetland”, Wetland Ecology and Management, 29, 809-822.

Sarr H., Bchir M.A., Cochard F., Rozan A., (2021), "Is the Average Pigouvian Tax robust to the size of  the group of polluters ?", RAFE studies, 102, pages 285–295. .

Dumax N., Rozan A., Rulleau B., (2020), “ “Adapted” Habitat evaluation Procedure and Choice Experiment: substitutes or complements ?”, Water Economics and Policy, 6 (2). 


  • Microéconomie (1ère année Ingénieur ENGEES)
  • Economie de l'environnement (2ème année Ingénieur ENGEES, Master 1)
  • Economie comportementale (3ème année Ingénieur ENGEES)