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HAMM Marylou

Docteure en science politique

39 Av. F.D. Roosevelt - Cp172
1050 Bruxelles
bureau: 39.305

Sujet de thèse

« Les réformes structurelles dans l'UE : expertises et experts européens du change management »

Axes de recherche

Mots-clés : Sociologie politique de l’Union européenne ; réformes structurelles ; expertise / contre expertise ; gouvernance économique ; européanisation

Choix de Communications

October 2016: Summer School Enlighten: “EU Socio-economic Governance in the Crisis Aftermath”. “Moral authority and expertise in the European Commission Technical Assistance to Member States

September 2016: ECPR General Conference, Prague. Panel: “The Role of Experts and Professionals in EU Policy-Making”. “The task force for Greece: expertise in EU crisis management

May 2016: Summer School EUREX “Political Constructions of Europe, New Historical and Sociological Approaches”

January 2015 - present: Part of the ARC Project on European values, “Governing values, governing through values, governed by values?” http://philoscsoc.ulb.be/sites/default/files/arc-corrige.pdf

September 2015: International symposium of the ProjEx Strasbourg School of European Studies, “The Economic crisis and the reconfiguration of European actors”. “L’enjeu de la troika saisi par le Parlement européen : construction d’un rapport d’enquête”.