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Free online course : European Culture and Politics
S1 + S2
| S1: Acquisition | H | ECTS | S2: Development | H | ECTS |
UE1 | European Integration History, Institutions and Policies of the EU Law, Society and Global Justice in the wider Europe Fascisms. European history, current challenges (Contrôle Continu)
| | Research Seminars Choose three of the following classes : Approaches of European cultural pluralism: Artistic transfer and transnational heritage (Contrôle Continu) External Ralations of the EU The European Court of Human Rights between law and politics European Policies towards old and new minorities in contemporary Europe European Security Policies |
18 | |
| 66 | 10 | 108 | 10 | 9 |
UE2 | European Cultural History Introduction to Cultural History European Cultural History (Contrôle Continu) Minorities, Immigrants and cinema (Contrôle Continu) |
24 | Methodology Methodology Seminars & IP Preparation (Contrôle Continu) Against Eurocentrism: Decentering Europe Academic Paper: preparation, presentation & discussion |
18 |
| |
| 60 | 10 | 96 | 10 | 9 |
UE3 | Academic and Professional Skills Bibliographical Skills Institutional Visits |
6 6 | | Eurocompetence II Project Management:
36 |
| 38 | 5 | 36 | 5 | 6 |
UE4- | Elective Course Choose one of the following two classes: Identity and Display in the Long -Compliance with Human Rights -The EU and the World Economy (Contrôle Terminal) |
18 | Intensive Programme Summer School at one of the |
6 | |
| 48 | 5 |
| 5 | 6 | |
Optional French Classes -Intensive French Crash Course (5-15 September 2016) -French as a Foreign Language Classes (A1 or A2/B1) |
20 | Optional French Classes Intensive French crash Course -French as a Foreign Language Classes (A1 or A2/B1) |
20 | |||
| TOTAL | 212 | 30 | TOTAL | 240 | 30 |
S3 + S4
| S3: Interaction | H | ECTS | S4: Reflection & Application | H | ECTS |
| Internship & writing of a Report: 4 months Or Research Semester (including classes and
| Eurocompetence III (courses 4 days/month) -Writing of a Professional Project: -Writing of a Research Project: |
5 | 6 | |||||
Masters Thesis Masters Thesis & Oral Defence (Preparation, presentation & Discussion of on-going Master thesis) |
| |||||
25 | 24 | |||||
| TOTAL | 240 | 30 | TOTAL 180 | 30 | 30 |