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Chargé de recherche (1) CNRS en sociologie et droit à SAGE
Adresse 5 Bd du Général Rouvillois 67
Fundamental and human rights, European and International justice and regulation, Ltigation, Privatisation
Mots-clés: Human rights, Fundamental rights, European justice, International Justice, Litigation, Advocacy, European Regulation, Privatisation
CLIQUENNOIS, G., de SUREMAIN, H., The European monitoring of penal policies, Abingdon, Routledge, 2017, forthcoming.
Articles et chapitres d'ouvrages
-CLIQUENNOIS, G., “The impacts of austerity policies on international and European Courts and their jurisprudence’, European Journal of International Law Talk, 2017, forthcoming.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., SNACKEN, S., “European and United Nations monitoring of penal and prison policies as a source of an inverted panopticon?», Crime, Law and Social Change, vol. 67, 2017, forthcoming (as part of a special issue on the UN and European monitoring of prison policies).
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., HERZOG-EVANS, M., “The European monitoring of French and Belgian penal and prison policies” Crime, Law and Social Change, vol. 67, 2017, forthcoming (as part of a special issue on the UN and European monitoring of prison policies).
-CLIQUENNOIS, G., The European monitoring of penal and prison policies: which scope and effectiveness? In: CLIQUENNOIS, G., de SUREMAIN, H., The European monitoring of penal policies, London, Routledge, 2017, forthcoming.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., « Risk management », in Kerley, K., The Encyclopedia of corrections, New York, Wiley-Blackwell, 2017, forthcoming.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., « Le panoptisme inversé et la contribution (in)volontaire de Foucault à celui-ci : la centralité du droit international et européen», in : I. Fouchard, 40 ans de Surveiller et Punir de Michel Foucault, Paris, Presses de la Sorbonne, 2016, à paraître.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., CHAMPETIER, B., “The Economic, Judicial and Political Influence Exerted by Private Foundations on Cases Taken by NGOs to the European Court of Human Rights: Inklings of a New Cold War?”, European Law Journal, vol. 22, n°1, 2016, p. 92-126 (as part of a special issue on the Development of the European System of Human and Fundamental Rights in the Current Economic and Political Context).
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., LAMBERT ABDELGAWAD, E., «The Development of the European System of Human and Fundamental Rights in the Current Economic and Political Context», European Law Journal, vol. 22, n° 1, 2016, p. 2-8 (as part of a special issue on the Development of the European System of Human and Fundamental Rights in the Current Economic and Political Context).
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., HERZOG-EVANS, M., “European oversight of British, French and Belgian prison policies”, Prison Service Journal, vol. 227, n° 2016, p. 23-28.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., BELLEBNA, LEONARD, T., « Le management dans la pénalité : vers une pénalité managériale ou un management du système pénal ? », Droit et Société, vol.90, 2015, p. 243 252.
- CARTUYVELS, Y., CLIQUENNOIS, G, « The Punishment of Mentally Ill Offenders in Belgium: Care as Legitimacy for Control”, Penal Field, vol. 12, 2015, https://champpenal.revues.org/9307
- CARTUYVELS, Y., CLIQUENNOIS, G., “La défense sociale pour les aliénés délinquants en Belgique: le soin comme légitimation d’un dispositif de contrôle? », Champ Pénal, vol. 12, 2015, https://champpenal.revues.org/9204
- CLIQUENNOIS, G,.CARTUYVELS, Y., « Le contrôle judiciaire européen de la prison : les droits de l’homme au fondement d’un panoptisme inversé ? Introduction au numéro spécial », Déviance et Société, vol. 38, n°4, 2014 p. 399-403 (as part of a special issue on the European oversight of domestic prison policies).
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., CARTUYVELS, Y., CHAMPETIER, B., “Le contrôle judiciaire européen de la prison : les droits de l’homme au fondement d’un panoptisme inversé”, Déviance et Société, vol. 38, n°4, 2014, p. 491-519 (as part of a special issue on the European oversight of domestic prison policies).
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., CHAMPETIER, B., « A new risk management for prisoners in France. The emergence of a death avoidance approach », Theoretical Criminology, vol. 17 n°3, 2013, p. 397-415.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., « Which penology for decision making in French Prisons ? », Punishment and Society, vol. 15, n°5, 2013, p. 468 487.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., CHAMPETIER, B., « Les syndicats pénitentiaires en Belgique et leur impact sur la protection de la vie humaine et la punitivité », Annales de droit de Louvain, vol. 73, n°2, 2013, 245–268 (as part of a special issue on sentence implementation).
- LANCELEVEE, C., CLIQUENNOIS, G., DUGUE, F., CARTUYVELS, Y., BESSIN, M., « Ce que la dangerosité fait aux pratiques : entre soin et peine. Une comparaison Belgique-France », Les Cahiers de la Justice, vol. 5, n°1, 2013, p. 101–114.
CLIQUENNOIS, G., “The privatisation of international and European Courts”, College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium, June 2017, forthcoming.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., “The impacts of austerity policies on international and European Courts and their jurisprudence”, European Society of International Law Interest Group on International Human Rights Law Roundtable, European Society of International Law 12th Anniversary Conference on " How International Law Works in Times of Crisis", Riga, Latvia, 8-10 September 2016.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., « Results and findings of the European prison litigation research funded by the European Commission », European Court of human rights, Strasbourg, 15 and 16 June 2016.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., « Le panoptisme inversé et la contribution (in)volontaire de Foucault à celui-ci», in Conference « Quarante ans de Surveiller et Punir » organised by the University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne (law department), Paris, 27 May 2016.
- CLIQUENNOIS G., “The Effectiveness of the European Institutions in Protecting Human Rights in Times of Austerity”, Council for European Studies Annual Conference, Science Po, Paris, 8-10 July 2015.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., CHAMPETIER B., “The economic and political influence exerted by private foundations on cases taken by NGOs to the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights”, in Conference organized by the University of Strasbourg “The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the European System of Human Rights”, Strasbourg, 11-12 June 2015
- CLIQUENNOIS G., “The European monitoring of penal policies”, in 15th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Porto, Portugal, 2-5 September 2015.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., CHAMPETIER, B., “The Economic and Political Influence Exerted By Private Foundations on Cases Taken By NGOs to the European Court of Human Rights, the European Committee of Social Right and the European Court of Justice”, in Law and Society Annual Conference, Seattle, USA, 28-31 May 2015.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., LAFFINEUR, J., « Contrôle judiciaire et institutionnel européen sur les politiques pénitentiaires française, anglaise et hollandaise. Le panoptisme inverse », Canadian Political Science Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, 20-22 May 2015.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G. and CHAMPETIER, B., “The development of a risk management approach to conditional release, life sentences and death prevention in Europe”, Symposium on risk organized by the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 6 February 2015.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., « Le management des prisons. Vers une gestion des risques et une responsabilisation des détenus », in Seminar « arpenter le champ pénal » organized by the Centre d’histoire sociale du 20ème siècle and the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, 21 October 2014.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., « American and European judicial control over prisons: Human rights as a source of an inverted panopticon? », in 14th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Prague, Czech republic, 10 September 2014.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., “NPM as politics of control and surveillance in Europe: the case of prisons”, in Conference organized by SAGE and the University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, 16 June 2014.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., , « The development of a risk management approach to healthcare, death and conditional release by the Council of Europe », Conference organized by the European Society of Criminology à la VUB (prison working group), Brussels, Belgium, 13-14 March 2014.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G, « Discussion about EHRAC’s litigation at the European Court of Human Rights », seminar organized by SAGE-University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, 13 February 2014.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., « Les syndicats pénitentiaires : toujours plus de welfare et de punitivité ?», Conference organised by the CRIDEP-UCL, UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 14 February 2014.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., CHAMPETIER, B., « The European Control Over Prison Policy: An Inverted Panopticon?”, American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Atlanta (USA), 22 novembre 2013.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., CHAMPETIER, B., « The leading role of the right to life in the development of long and life sentences, risk management and punishment in Europe », in Annual Criminology Conference, University of Oxford, UK, 29 August 2013.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., CHAMPETIER, B., « Capital punishment and actuarial justice in European penal policies through protection of lives », in American sociological Association Annual Conference, New York, USA, 9 August 2013.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., CHAMPETIER, B., «The role of victims NGOs in the prison sector», in Society for Social Problems Annual Conference, New York, USA, 9 August 2013.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., « The impacts of the European monitoring on the development of an actuarial risk management », Seminar organized by the London School of Economics, CARR (Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation), London School of Economics, London, United Kingdom, 11 June 2013.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., CHAMPETIER, B., « The role of victims (of crime) NGOs in the penal field », in Law and Society Association Annual Conference, Boston, USA, 31 May 2013.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., Presidency of the sessions “Policing and legitimacy” and “Radical Punishment”, in Law and Society Association Annual Conference, Boston, USA, 31 May 2013.
- CLIQUENNOIS, G., « La jurisprudence et la politique de prévention du suicide : la marque du pragmatisme d’Etat ? », Senat, Paris, 25 January 2013.
2016 -2017
- Fondamental rights issues in the EU and the Council of Europe, Master in Euroculture.
- European Governance, Master 2 in Euroculture, University of Strasbourg, 10 hours.
- Introduction to the Council of Europe and the European Union, Master 1 in Euroculture, University of Strasbourg, 8 hours.
- The European Committee of Social Rights’ case law, Master 2 in Euroculture, University of Strasbourg, 4 hours.
Philippe Kennes (Vrij Universiteit Brussels) Management and prison governors in Belgium