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MICHEL (Hélène), SCHMITT (Mélanie), eds
ISBN 9781032288147
Published December 16, 2022 by Routledge
162 Pages
Book Description
This book brings together the expertise of economists, legal scholars, political scientists, and sociologists in order to integrate diverse perspectives and a broad range of analytical tools in the conceptualisation of labour mobility.
It examines how variably the question of labour mobility has translated into the policies, laws, and norms through which the EU as a whole is governed. The contributions focus on the actors – European and national officials, experts, trade union and employers’ organisations – and on instruments implemented by institutions and political organisations – European Agency, coordination systems, European Job Mobility Portal (EURES) – to increase and support mobility within the European Union.
This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of European/EU studies, migration studies, labour studies, political sociology, and more broadly to comparative politics.