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Sustainable Urban Mobilities

Philippe Hamman (ed.)
French Fieldworks in European Perspective, Brussels, PIE – Peter Lang, EcoPolis Series 40,
2023, 258 p.
doi : 10.3726/b21034

Cet ouvrage collectif rassemble 16 chercheurs et fait suite au séminaire éponyme 2020-2021 de la Chaire européenne Jean Monnet GoInUSE. Il a été retenu dans la collection EcoPolis / Peter Lang, qui explore les changements affectant simultanément la société et l’environnement. Le volume croise l’entrée par les mobilités, dans leur diversité, avec celles par les espaces urbains et par la durabilité, autour de deux enjeux : Current urban mobilities as “lived” spaces et Renewed urban mobilities as “alternatives” spaces.

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Mobilities are an essential issue in contemporary societies, which have recently been reexamined as a result of calls for ecological transition, on the one hand, and the impact of the global Covid 19 pandemic, on the other. The original contribution of this book is that it starts from the polysemic meaning of mobility, paying attention to different scales of perception and action, the lived spaces in which mobility occurs, and the “alternative” character of so-called sustainable mobilities and the actors who display or engage in such practices. The concept of mobilities is thus considered in relation to urban spaces and sustainability, based on the analysis of French case studies from a European perspective and using multidisciplinary social sciences approaches.

Table of contents

Introduction At the crossroads of urban, sustainability and mobility studies: Scales and comparisons from French fieldworks to European perspectives

Part I Current urban mobilities as “lived” spaces

  • A socialization-based approach to daily mobilities
  • Two approaches to understand the evolution of cross-border daily mobility and local residential mobility: The case of cross-border commuters living in Lorraine (France) and working in Luxembourg
  • Pop-up civic sanctuary and the right to retreat in the city: Disrupting mobility regimes through pause and rest in a mobile “tiny house” encounter space

Part II Renewed urban mobilities as “alternatives” spaces?

  • What drives food flows? Governing food supply chains in peri-urban settings
  • The political regulation of “sustainable” urban mobility
  • Urban mobilities in French intermediary cities: The impact of “tactical” urban installations in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Socio-spatial dynamics and changes in urban mobility practices in a pandemic context: A mixed method case study in Mulhouse, France

Conclusion Sustainability and mobility: A transactional compromise