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November 19-22 at Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Organizers: Shuenn-Der Yu, Salomé Deboos, and Mei-Ling Chien
This conference will examine the close relationship between food culture and technologies in anthropological and historical terms. Each food item we consume today has had a long history of human engagement in discovering, growing, processing, and cooking, with skills, knowledges and material means we developed in order to make it edible, enjoyable and marketable. By the same token, we have also developed technologies, e.g., skills, material devises and knowledge, to create and reproduce the kind of foods, flavors and appearances that attract our appetites. We invite you to jointly explore into this sophisticated yet interesting relationships between food culture and technologies for our 2018 Strasbourg-Taipei conference in Taiwan.
We will pay attention to following issues:
We intend to publish conference papers in the form of a book volume.
Please join us and send your abstract to Shuenn-Der YU (