Séminaire " Cancers, santé et populations : terrains et recherches dans les Outre-mers" Les...
Programme du séminaire d’anthropologie diachronique (ethnologie et archéologie) interdisciplinaire...
Concours CNRS Le laboratoire accueille chaque année de nouveaux membres par voie de concours via...
" Du 25 au 27 septembre 2024, le SAGE organise ses 3 journées de rentrée : les PasSAGEs de rentrée...
Retrouvez Morgane Le Boulay et Céline Monicolle dans le magazine Savoir(s) de l'université de...
Titre : La santé des données. Enquête sur un travail hospitalier de production, de contrôle et de...
La famille indivise dans l’Inde contemporaineUne approche démographique et spatiale La soutenance...
Réunis dans le cadre de l’AG extraordinaire du laboratoire SAGE du 12 avril 2024, les membres...
Une programmation ouverte au public : demandez le programme ! Et l'affiche qui annonce les...
Coordinators: Jean-Pascal Daloz and Sébastien Michon
Work group 1 builds on the large body of research conducted over the past fifteen years on the political sociology of the professionals of Europe. Breaking with the institutionalist approach of Europe, these studies focused on the structuring and functioning of the “field of Eurocracy” have more recently expanded their scope to the dynamic relationships between national, European and international elites... (read more)
Coordinators: Christian Bonah and Marie-Pierre Camproux-Duffrène
Work group 2 analyzes contemporary transformations of knowledge, practices and rules in the fields of health and environment, by combining the approaches of law, history, political science, sociology, and social studies of science. By working on the fields of environment and health in a cross-disciplinary perspective, the work group seeks... (read more)
Coordinators: Alice Debauche, Philippe Cordazzo & Céline Monicolle
Work group 4 is structured by the close collaboration between demographers, sociologists and political scientists. Social groups are studied both from the point of view of the individuals and of the loci of their socialization (family, school, work, residence, groups constructed by and through public policy …) at different ages in life... (read more)