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Post-Doctoral Researcher on the ERC BodyCapital Project
Département d’histoire des sciences de la vie et de la santé (DHVS)
Université de Strasbourg, 4 rue Kirschleger, 67085 Strasbourg Cedex
History of Knowledge and Sciene in the 19th and 20th Century, History of the Body, History of Emotions, Media History, Cultural History of Law, Law and Emotion
Schnädelbach, Sandra : Entscheidende Gefühle. Rechtsgefühl und juristische Emotionalität in der deutschsprachigen Jurisprudenz 1870-1933 (forthcoming 2019 with Wallstein)
Schnädelbach, Sandra : Humor and the Politics of Emotion in the Courts of the Weimar Republic, History of Emotions – Insights into Research, DOI: 10.14280/08241.60
Schnädelbach, Sandra : The Voice is the Message. Court Rhetoric and Vocal Performance as Emotional Practices in Early Twentieth Century Germany. In: Oñati Socio-legal Series (2019) (under peer review)
Schnädelbach, Sandra, with Köhler, Sigrid G./Müller-Mall, Sabine/Schmidt, Florian (eds.):Recht fühlen, Paderborn 2017.
Schnädelbach, Sandra: The jurist as manager of emotions. German debates on "Rechtsgefühl“ in the late 19th and early 20th century as sites of negotiating the juristic treatment of emotions. In: InterDisciplines 6/2 (2015), 47-73.
"The Voice is the Message: Performances of Judicial Emotions in German Court Rooms of the Early 20th Century“, Annual Conference of the International Society for Cultural History, "Performance, Politics, and Play“, New York (09/2018)
"Training Health by Training Trust: Excessive Emotions as Risks Factors in GDR Television“, International ERC ‚BodyCapital’ Workshop "Excess? Images of Body, Health, Morality and Emotions across the Media“, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin (06/2018)