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Docteur en science politique de l'Université de Strasbourg et de l'Université Libre d'Amsterdam
+ 33 6 29 20 18 20
Union européenne; parlement européen; partis politiques; diplomatie parlementaire; coopération interparlementaire; fédérations transnationales de partis; Israël-Palestine.
'Israel-Palestine: Annexation, Normalization and the Two-State Solution', Frontiers in Political Science, in a special issue edited Ian Lustick and Amal Jamal, 'Israel/Palestine: The One-State Reality Implications and Dynamics', 2023.
'Is there an MEP in the House? Members of the European Parliament's Participation in their national parliament', Politique européenne, No. 59, 2018, pp. 146-168.
'The Diplomatic Role of the European Parliament's Political Groups in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict', in Stelios Stavridis and Davor Jančić (Eds) Parliamentary Diplomacy in European and Global Governance, Leiden, Brill, 2017, pp. 76-98.
‘'The 'Back Door' to National Politics: The French Greens and the 2009 European Parliament elections', in Ben Crum and John Erik Fossum (Eds) (2013) Practices of Inter-Parliamentary Coordination in International Politics – The European Union and Beyond. Colchester, ECPR Press: 161-174.
'Towards a Shared Land: Israel/Palestine 30 Years after the Oslo Accords', Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation, January 2023.
Applied European Politics, Certificate of European Studies (CES), Sciences-Po Strasbourg.
The Construction of Europe, Center College, Etats-Unis (Danville, Kentucky), Study abroad program à Strasbourg.
European Institutions, Kalamazoo College, Etats-Unis (Michigan), Study abroad program à Strasbourg.
Sociologie politique de la santé (Cours Magistral, faculté de sciences sociales), 2017.
The European Parliament and its International Relations, edited by Stelios Stavridis and Daniela Irrera, Routeledge, Revue Française de Science Politique, 2016, 66 (1): 194-195.
Party Attitudes Towards the EU in the Members States. Parties for Europe, parties against Europe. Edited by Nicolò Conti, Revue Française de Science Politique, 2014, 64 (6): 1246-1247.
'Europe and partnership-based peace in Israel-Palestine', Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Jerusalem, conference 'A Partnership-Based Israeli-Palestinian Peace - Towards a Changed Paradigm', 10-11 May 2023.
'MEPs Attendance at EACs of National Parliaments', PADEMIA workshop at LUISS, Rome, 8-9 July 2016.
'Explaining Variations of MEPs' Coordination with their National Parliaments', PADEMIA workshop, Sciences-Po, Paris, 3-4 December 2015.
'The European Parliament and the politicisation of EU international trade policies', PADEMIA annual conference, Brussels, 2-3 July 2015.
'Using the European Parliament to oppose EU international trade policies'. AFSP congress, Aix en Provence, 22-24 June 2015.
'Rolle Europäische Parteien bei der Politisierung der EU am Beispiel der europäischen Grünen', Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg, 22 April 2015
‘How Do They Do It? Members of the European Parliament’s Practices of Democratic Representation’, CES Conference, Amsterdam, 25-27 juin 2013.
‘”Friends of Israel” in the European Parliament: A Sociological Approach’, ECPR Joint session, St. Gallen, 12-17 avril 2011.
‘First-order Elections for a Second-order Party: European Elections and the French Greens’, ECPR Joint session, Münster, 22-29 mars 2010.