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Professor of population studies, chair of excellence iPOPs, Population and territorial dynamics, SAGE interdisciplinary research lab (Society, Actors, Governance in Europe), University of Strasbourg
Famillies, social and gender inequalities.
Preference for a son: demographic manifestations, causes, diffusion, changes, social and policy implications, reproductive health and rights.
DUBUC S. 2017. Les facteurs géographiques du dynamisme rural. Analyse multi-échelles des changements sociodémographiques et économiques en Aveyron et en Lozère. Editions Universitaires Européennes (in French). 311 p. ISBN: 978-3-639-52517-5. (Link Researchgate)
Articles et chapitres d'ouvrages
DUBUC S. 2021 Using one's home to self-fund ageing in Britain: implications of Equity Release for intergenerational justice and socio-spatial inequalities. Gérontologie et Société.
DUBUC S. 2019. Préférence pour les garçons et sélection prénatale: causes, implications et féminisme. Pensées féministes, collection of Université des Femmes, Brussels.
DUBUC S. and D. SIVIA. 2018. Is sex ratio at birth an appropriate measure of prenatal sex selection? Findings of a theoretical model and its application to India. BMJ Global Health Jul 2018, 3 (4) e000675; DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2017-000675 https://gh.bmj.com/content/3/4/e000675.
DUBUC S. 2018. ‘Son preference and fertility: an overview’. Chapter 2, Family Demography in Asia: A Comparative Analysis of Fertility Preferences, eds by S. Basten, J. Casterline, and Minja Choe. Edward Elgar publisher. Pps 15-29. https://www.elgaronline.com/view/edcoll/9781785363542/9781785363542.00007.xml
DUBUC S. 2017 ‘Fertility and education of British Asian women: a success story of social mobility?’, Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2017 (Vol. 15), 269-291.
UNNITHAN M. and S. DUBUC. 2017. ‘Re-visionning evidence: Reflections on the recent controversy around gender selective abortion in the UK’, Journal of Global Public Health. 13: 742-753 https://doi.org/10.1080/17441692.2017.1346694.
DUBUC S. 2016. ‘Immigrants and ethnic fertility convergence in the UK: the role of global fertility transition and intergenerational social integration’, chapter 5, Changing population of Britain, edited by Tony Champion and Jane Falkingham. Rowan Littlefield International Editions.
DUBUC S. 2016. ‘Fertility and Migration’ Entry Chapter in, Encyclopedia of migration. Edited by Frank Bean and Susan Brown, Springer. ISBN 978-94-007-2786-1.
DUBUC S. 2012. ‘Immigration from high fertility countries: Intergenerational adaptation and fertility convergence in the UK, Population and Development Review, 38(2):353-368.
COLEMAN D. and S. DUBUC. 2010 ‘The fertility of ethnic minority populations in the United Kingdom, 1960s – 2006’ Population Studies. Vol 64, No 1. 19-41*selected for the Research Excellence Framework 2014, University of Oxford, DSPI.
DUBUC S. and J. HASKEY. 2010 ‘Fertility and Ethnicity in the UK: recent trends’ in Understanding Population trends and Processes, Volume 3: Ethnicity and Integration (J. Stilwell and M. van Ham eds., Springer) Chap 4.
DUBUC S. 2009. ‘Application of the own-children method for estimating fertility by ethnic and religious groups in the UK’, Journal of Population Research, Vol 26, No 3. 207-225.
DUBUC S. and D. COLEMAN. 2007. ‘An increase in the sex ratio of births to India-born
mothers in England and Wales: evidence for sex-selective abortion’ Population and Development Review 33, 2: 383-400.
DUBUC S. 2007 ‘GIS-based accessibility analysis for network optimal location model’, Cybergeo, No 407.
DUBUC S. 2005. ‘A GIS Based Analysis of the Human Factors in the Deforestation Process in India’ Bulletin of the Society of Cartographer, 39(1-2).
DUBUC S. 2004. Dynamisme rural: l’effet des petites villes, l’Espace géographique, Montpellier, 1: 69-85.
DUBUC S. 1999. The dynamics of rural areas outside the influence of the large cities: The case of the Aveyron and the Lozere. Chapter 2 in van der Leuuw (ed.) Policy-relevant models of the natural and anthropogenic dynamics of degradation and desertification and their spatio-temporal manifestations, ARCHAEOMEDES II research program (1996-1999), volume 5, tome 1.
DUBUC S. 1996. Revue de l‘Atlas du Vietnam’ de C. Taillard, Vu Tu Lap (1994), Mappemonde, 3: 45-48.
Séminaires invités / selected invited seminars :
DUBUC S (Dec 2021) ‘Son preference and sex-selection: diffusion and changes.’ St John’s College, End of Term evening seminar, University of Oxford.
DUBUC S (Nov 2018) Invited speaker at the Symposium ‘Fertility in the life course’, University of St Andrews
DUBUC S (Dec 2016) Immigrants and fertility in the UK. Macro and micro perspectives. CPC seminar, University of Southampton
DUBUC S (March, 2016) Ageing and equity release in the UK. ODESSA Workshop, Tsinghua University, Beijing.
Panel discussant at the round-table (with L. Platt; L. Simpson; D. Voas; S. Jivraj) on categorizations of ethnicity in censuses and surveys and implications for research (organised by Stephanie Condon, INED and Stefanie Doebler, QU Belfast), BSPS conference (Sept 2015, Leeds)
DUBUC S. (July, 2015) ‘Immigrants and ethnic fertility convergence in the UK: the role of global fertility transition and intergenerational social integration’, forthcoming book chapter (in Changing population of Britain) presented at the policy forum on Changing Families and Households (London, 14 July 2015), organised by the British Academy and British Society for Population Studies.
DUBUC S. (2015) ‘Urbanisation and Urbanity’, Invited speaker and panel discussant, ’Urbanisation and Health in India’, workshop supported by the Royal Society (UK) and Department of Science & Technology (Government of India) workshop, March 2015, Hyderabad.
DUBUC S. (2014) Introductive plenary, workshop ‘Son preference and prenatal sex-selection against females: evidences, causes and implications’, 3 October 2014 (at London, Nuffield Foundation).
DUBUC S. (2014) ‘Son preference and sex-selection’ Invited speaker at the Conference ‘Faith, Culture, Gender and Violence’, University of Birmingham, International Women’s Day, March 2014.
DUBUC S. (2012) ‘Prenatal sex-selection against females: the evidence and its ethical implications’, Seminar at the ETHOX Centre, University of Oxford, 20 March 2012.
Plus de 30 communications a des conférences internationales/ Over 30 conference papers at international meetings (see CV)
International undergraduate and postgraduate teaching experience : King’s College London University, University of Oxford, Reading University; Undergraduate and postgraduate
Doctoral/postgraduate research director in human geography, University of Reading, 2019-2021.