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Career perspectives

Due to the multi- and interdisciplinary nature of the Euroculture programme, its graduates find work in a broad variety of sectors where expert knowledge of Europe and European integration processes is required. A number of Euroculture graduates have also continued their studies to doctoral level.

The programme emphasises the study of modern European culture and society in the context of European integration, and its students gain unique insight into European identity building processes. This knowledge and understanding is a particularly important asset in the current, complex new era of globalization and at a time of movement towards greater social, political and economic integration.

Our students develop the skills to facilitate collaboration in trans-national, multi-disciplinary networks. Graduates of the programme are highly qualified to perform in Europe-wide and EU-related civil services, policy-making positions, cultural and artistic management, journalism and international business.

Euroculture alumni have found employment in the following areas:

  • EU and other European institutions
  • International and national organisations (non-governmental, non-profit, foundations)
  • Education and research institutions
  • Embassies and ministries throughout the world
  • Media, journalism, publishing
  • Museums and the art market
  • Cultural (management) organisations
  • Foreign trade organisations
  • Political parties, foundations and associations
  • City and regional planning, local and regional cultural projects
  • Centres for minorities and minority rights