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Institutional Partners
University of Strasbourg
University of Liverpool
Research Centre SAGE (“Societies, Actors and Government in Europe”, CNRS)
Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Institute of Policy Studies, Strasbourg)
Local Authority Alsace
MISHA (Local House of Humanities and Social Sciences, Strasbourg)
ENA (Ecole Nationale d’Administration, Paris & Strasbourg)
IGPDE (Center for Public Management and Economic Development, French Economic Ministries, Paris)
Magdaléna Hadjiisky (University of Strasbourg, Institute of Policy Studies, France)
Romuald Normand (University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Social Sciences, France)
David Dolowitz (University of Liverpool, UK)
“Analysis of the impact of regulations”, “performance-related pay”, “United Nation Guide on Anti-Corruption Policies “ (and its Toolkit), “external audit”, “Public Internal Financial Control” (PIFC): there are numerous examples of framing instruments promoted as international “best practices” in various areas of “public governance” . Today, globalization affects not only the economy and finance sectors but also governmental knowledge and practices. The expertise of International Organizations (IOs) is increasingly mobilized by public authorities and social actors to improve the functioning of States and the effectiveness of public policies (think, for instance, of the action of multilateral actors in the reform of Greek administrations since the 2008 financial crisis). Thus, IOs play a significant and multi-faceted role in processes of transfers of models and instruments of public action.
In light of these challenges, knowledge about these multilateral organizations and their activities in the area of public action and administration is currently insufficient. It is true that New Public Management has been addressed by a large body of research. As well, a number of recent research findings have paved the way for the systematic analysis of IOs’ activities in the dissemination of expert knowledge on public action and administration. However, the sociology of the expertise of international structures in these domains remains an emerging scientific field.
The conference of 1-3 September 2016 will contribute to bridging this gap by focusing on the analysis of IOs’ practices and roles in the making and dissemination of legitimate knowledge on public ideas and instruments
Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l'Homme - Alsace (MISHA)
5 allée du Général Rouvillois
67 000 Strasbourg