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Coordinators: Alice Debauche and Céline Monicolle
Permanent members: Alain Ayerbe (MCF), Didier Breton (PR), Fabien Brugiere (MCF), Nicolas Cauchi-Duval (MCF), Thomas Collas (MCF), Philippe Cordazzo (PR), Alice Debauche (MCF), Vincent Dubois (PR), Solenne Jouanneau (MCF), Camille Lancelevée (MCF) Stéphane Latté (MCF), Mélanie Lepori (MCF contractuel), Elise Marsicano (MCF), Céline Monicolle (IE CNRS), Claire Piluso (MCF), Olivier Quéré (MCF), Jay Rowell (DR CNRS), Alice Servy (MCF), Mathias Thura (MCF)
Work group 4 is structured by the close collaboration between demographers, sociologists and political scientists. Social groups are studied both from the point of view of the individuals and of the loci of their socialization (family, school, work, residence, groups constructed by and through public policy …) at different ages in life. Public and private institutions and apparatuses are studied using a comparative approach, particularly at the European level, with specific emphasis on three contemporary social problems affected by the transformations of social policies: employment, vulnerability and aging.
The research conducted in this work group will address overarching methodological and theoretical issues. Transitions and tipping points in individual trajectories will be studied both in terms of family relationships and situations and in terms of social integration. We will examine how these “problematic” transitions, in the sense that they are constructed as public problems, contribute to dynamics of objectification and de-objectification of statuses and identities: the transition between childhood and adulthood, separations, access to employment, the transition between economic activity and inactivity. Longitudinal and biographic analysis will be used to shed light on contemporary modes of production and reproduction of social inequalities. In these “critical” junctures, different forms of capitals and individual resources are mobilized to meet the challenges of the transition between different ages and statuses in an increasingly uncertain social and economic context.
Categories and units of analysis will be analyzed in a comparative perspective in order to study national differences and convergences in Europe; the historicity of these categories and the contemporary processes of their redefinition at national, European and international levels will also be considered. Research will rely on a wide range of qualitative methods as well as on numerous quantitative methods and large-scale surveys.
Research contracts completed:
Analyses des trajectoires des personnes accompagnées par le département du Bas-Rhin ans le cadre de l’action de proximité et « Etude sur la grande Précarité » – Conseil départemental 67 (2018-2019)
Responsable scientifique : Philippe CORDAZZO
Analyses des trajectoires des usagers sociaux – Ville de Strasbourg (2017-2019)
Responsable scientifique : Philippe CORDAZZO
“Setting up a Tool for Projecting Social Needs”, CIFRE ENEIS Conseil
“LabEx iPoPs: Individuals, Populations, Societies”, Laboratoire d'Excellence
“Handicap, Cultural Practices and Social Participation”, DRESS
Vincent DUBOIS et Frédéric CHATEIGNER
“Driving for one’s Job: Between Road Risk and Occupational Risk”, CIFRE Ecole de Conduite Française Llerena