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Édité par
Magdaléna Hadjiisky, Université de Strasbourg, France,
Leslie A. Pal, Carleton University, Canada
Christopher Walker, University of New South Wales, Australie
New Horizons in Public Policy series, Edward Elgar Publishing, 360p.
ISBN: 9781785368035
Contemporary policy making is deeply influenced by the borrowing, transfer and diffusion of ideas and models from other countries, levels of government and supranational institutions. This is the first book to analyze comparatively the micro-dynamics of transfer across regions, contrasting policy fields, multiple levels of governance, and institutional actors. Grounded in original research by specialists in the field, it provides fresh and arresting insights into competition among transfer agents, resistances, local coalitions, translation, and policy learning. This empirical depth informs a reinvigorated and nuanced theoretical framework on global policy transfer processes.
Public Policy Transfer highlights how local adaptations and innovations contribute to ongoing policy development, as domestic policy-making activity becomes increasingly engaged with global networks. This work draws together various disciplinary perspectives that dominate the study of policy transfer, which have otherwise remained separate and distinct.
This is the first book to analyze comparatively the micro-dynamics of transfer across regions, contrasting policy fields and multiple levels of governance. With authors from a wide range of disciplines such as law, development and policy studies, and various cases from Europe, Africa, Australia and South America, this book breaks new ground both theoretically and empirically. Unique to this work are the case studies examining policy transfer across countries within the Global North and Global South. This yields in-depth exploration of challenges and characteristics of transfer across emerging economies. Rooted in original research by policy specialists, this book provides fresh and arresting insights into the micro-dynamics as well as the macro-effects of policy transfer.
Offering the richest comparative analysis of policy transfer to date, this book has global appeal to academics and students of public policy. The diverse range of case studies will make this book invaluable to policy practitioners and public officials.